Chapter 3575 "My Brother, The Sperm Donor":>>Ep22
- People paid $5 for a wristband to sample from each of the food stands. I had two ovens, hooked to a big bottle of propane. I also had a big warmer hooked to the gas-line. At home, the loaves took 30-40 minutes to cook. Once we had the ovens up to temperature, it was about the same. We started cooking an hour before the doors opened. I had two full batches loaded into the warmer - and the next batch about halfway finished cooking - when the first of our "customers" arrived.
- We were cutting each of my normal loaves into fourths - about enough for three or four bites. Each person got a chunk of sausage bread (or pepperoni, or cheese, or veggie) and a little container of dip. Nicole spent the entire time restocking the little dishes of spaghetti sauce and refilling the napkin-holder. Tanisha spent her time pulling loaves from the warmer, cutting them into pieces, putting them in the little paper serving trays, and placing them in front of the little signs that told which kind they were. We specifically labeled the veggie one as "Vegan" but I noticed - while helping the girls while the next batch of loaves cooked - that those were disappearing just as fast as the meat and cheese choices.
- The third time one of the guys from our Health class came back to get another sample, I scowled at him. He just shrugged at me.